finds financial rewards can deter whistleblowers
Monetary awards for fraud whistleblowers may seem like a
no-brainer, but a new study has found that offering cash for fraud detection
may actually negatively affect individual's motivations
“When you mention financial incentives to potential
whistleblowers, you change the decision frame from ‘doing the right thing’ to
that of a cost-benefit analysis,” stated James Wainberg, assistant professor of
accounting at Florida Atlantic University’s College of Business and one of the
study's authors. “As a result, when the perceived risks of reporting are
greater than the potential rewards, people will be much less likely to report
frauds than had they not been told about the existence of an incentive program
to begin with
Wainberg co-authored the study, recently published in Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, with
Leslie Berger, assistant professor of accounting at Wilfrid Laurier University,
and Stephen Perreault, associate professor at Providence College School of
More and more businesses and regulatory agencies are either
currently offering or mulling the option offering monetary rewards for the
reporting of unscrupulous behavior, but with a catch -- a minimum amount of
fraud. The Securities and Exchange Commission, for instance, will offer rewards
only if a minimum of $1 million is recovered
The study's researchers found this type of parameter of fraud
reporting would boost the chances that not all fraud will be reported. In an
experiment conducted by the researchers, complete with auditors and accounting
professionals as test subjects, it was found that fraud was less likely to be
reported when a monetary incentive was available, but the amount of fraud
committed was less than a given threshold
“What’s going on is this hijacking of the moral decision frame
by the financial incentives,” Wainberg added. “Once that happens, whether or
not to report the fraud will largely become a function of an individual’s
perceptions of reward adequacy in light of the perceived risk of reporting. So
that’s a caution to regulators, compliance professionals and others in
corporate governance who are interested in understanding the strengths and
weaknesses of offering financial incentives to whistleblowers
Fraud minimums were also found to significantly delay reporting
until the problem was too big to ignore, in turn minimizing the chances of
exposing deceit in the early going
"The question we need to ask is do we really want to
incentivize whistleblowers to delay reporting frauds in order to maximize their
rewards?" Wainberg concluded
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