Although job security is a major concern, 63 per cent of consumers rated current job prospects as excellent/good, while nearly half said they plan to cut down on outdoor entertainment and delay technology updates such as personal computers, mobile phones, etc. Job security remained the next biggest concern after the economy. Consumer perceptions are based on three aspects: job prospects, personal finances, and chances of buying things they need/want to buy.
The Q4 2019 survey showed 77 per cent of UAE nationals as optimistic about finding a job currently, with 22 per cent describing it as excellent, and 55 per cent as good. Among expats, 57 per cent expressed optimism about current job prospects, while 84 per cent nationals and 71 per cent among expats were positive on the chances of finding a job during the next 12 months.
Regarding current personal finances, 76 per cent of consumers expressed optimism. Among UAE nationals, 81 per cent of those surveyed showed optimism and that group comprised 22 per cent who rated their personal finances as excellent and 59 per cent who said they are good. As for expats, 12 per cent expressed optimism, with 63 per cent saying it looked good. Optimism seems likely to persist over the next 12 months for 79 per cent and reach 83 per cent among nationals and 76 per cent among expats.
When asked about buying the things they need and want to buy, 60 per cent expressed their satisfaction with the cost of things, whereas 79 per cent of nationals said they were excellent or good. The percentage decreased to 76 per cent among expats.
Perceptions on the economic situation in Dubai were highly positive among nationals at 77 per cent. More than half of the expatriates (56 per cent) also expressed optimism about the current economic situation while the overall percentage reached 63 per cent. The positive perception was largely due to the trade momentum and recovery of tourism, while the lack of employment opportunities and the lack of salary increases were among the main reasons for the negative perception.
Generally, there is optimism on the economy in Dubai as 74 per cent of UAE nationals and expatriates rated it to be excellent or good. The percentage of those who believe Dubai’s economy is in recession remained the same (25 per cent) as the previous quarter, while the percentage of consumers who expect the economy to recover during the next 12 months decreased from 55 per cent to 41 per cent.
Job security was the biggest concern during this quarter, with the percentage reaching 42 per cent among expats and 15 per cent among nationals. The economy ranked second on the list of major concerns for 16 per cent of expats and 9 per cent of nationals.
Most consumers (86 per cent) confirmed that they are able to meet basic life expenses and almost a third said they spend whatever money left on vacations or save them. Nearly half of consumers said they plan to reduce outdoor entertainment or delay technology upgrades such as personal computers or mobile phones, etc as part of balancing the family budget.
The Consumer Confidence Index captures a consumer’s individual perceptions on the economy as well as intentions and expectations for the future while also tracking consumer confidence over a specific period of time.
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